Sunday, August 19, 2007

Montessori Elementary Homeschool Environment

I have had many people ask me about what is the Montessori elementary home school environment? I share with you what others have been able to say much better than I could....

"In a home school situation you will delight in the wonders of the elementary curriculum which sparks the imagination and unfolds the child's natural motivation to learn.

Begin with the Great Lessons and pick up the strands for language, math, physical science, history, etc. Your child's delight will guide you to the appropriate lessons. Your child's reluctance or hesitations will guide you to find alternate ways to spark imagination and interest, inspire confidence, etc.

Trust yourself to observe your child to learn what motivates, captures attention, inspires concentration, and truly develops human potential. Going to the library together to check out books on the curriculum topics will be great fun and keep the curriculum fresh even as it develops the love of reading and knowledge and comfort using the library. Take field trips to the natural history museum and other museums.

Goal setting is a practical life lesson in itself. You will know when it is appropriate to change the timeline of a goal....when your child has finished early, shows mastery of a topic, has a new passion or interest that leads from one goal to another more appropriate, when an interest deepens and takes longer than anticipated...or when a topic is challenging and requires 'backing up' or 'delaying presentation'...follow the child. Teach your child accountability that has flexibility. Teach your child to honor herself and discover the secret of childhood. " - Robin

Robin said this so eloquently and it is one I use for inspiration. I do on occasion feel I am behind on the materials and I tend to hold things up until they are no longer of any interest. So change is good.

Other recommendations for success:
Keeping a daily log
Teach organization
Set weekly goals, approve them with the Educator and write them down on a check off sheet
Use study guides
They set their goals and create their own work plan

Pictures of Montessori Homeschool Environments. They are WONDERFUL!!