Saturday, September 8, 2007

Montessori Books by Maria

The Montessori Method 1909
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook 1914
The Advanced Montessori Method Vol. II (The Montessori Elementary Materials) 1916
The Advanced Montessori Method Vol. I (Spontaneous Activity in Education) 1918
The Child in the Family 1936
The Secret of Childhood 1936
Education and Peace 1949 - as above - these were presented in the 1930s
Education for a New World 1946
To Educate the Human Potential 1948
Discovery of the Child 1948
From Childhood to Adolescence 1948
The Absorbent Mind 1949
The Formation of Man 1950

in addition to those Books by Maria Montessori:

The Advanced Montessori Method ,(India) 1949
The Advanced Montessori Method, (London) 1913
The Child in the Church, (London)1930
To Educate The Human Potential, (India) 1950
Education For a New World, (India) 1948
The Montessori Method: Scientific Pedagogy as Applied to Child Education in the "Children's Houses". (New York) 1912
Peace and Education, (Geneva) 1932
Pedagogical Anthropology, (New York) 1939, (London: 1936)
The Reform orf Education During and After Adolescence, (Amsterdam-AMI) 1939
The Secret of Childhood, (New York) 1939, (London: 1936)
What You Should Know About Your Child, (Ceylon) 1948

The Appendix to the 1957 edition Standing book also lists Books About the Montessori Method,Montessori Periodicals dating from that time (1962), Montessori Societies, Montessori training colleges, and Training Courses Which are Recognized.
Please look to the right side of the blog list for links to some of these books offered free online.